Wednesday, December 23, 2009

d malam hari

hello2... first time blogging afta sume org dah syok mem-blogging, aku start untuk menyukainyer .thursday, 24december09 at 3.53am . im start to be one of the blogger in world . hahah . susah jugak eh blogging nih . but im trying to have fun with it . actually aku suke bace one of my friend nyer blog . sbb aku pk2 balik rase macam blog ni kite bleh share aper yg kiter rase . so i've made decision to start blogging . yahooooo .

actually rindu kat member2 dah membuak2 dah nih . hum, may b im going to Muadzam to see my beloved friend there . so, ble nak pegi yeh?? tak tau lagi .

so, now im addicted with drama2 yg ader kat tv skang Omg . x leh tinggal lgsung ok .

1) 2.oo-3.ooptg = Tasbih cinta
2)4.3o-5.3optg= Cucu Betong
3)6.3o-7.30ptg= Cinta Balqis
4)monday 10.oomlm= Awan Dania
5)sabtu 9.oomlm=Idola Kecil 2
Sehati Berdansa 3

haiyooooo... teruk betul kan . hope so all this kind of show could be finish faster .
okay laaaa . aku rase dah mcm lewat dah nih . hum, tak bgun plak esok . agenda esok nak gi amik charger hphone kat service center rosak . lgpun, aku rase may b nih dh memadai untuk permulaan ni kan . hope so. hehe..

p/s: To my beloved friend, plzz mkn ubat coz aku tau ko susah nak makan ubat . but u hv too . for ur own sake okay . miss u so much .. makn ubat taw, but if it getting worse and worse . baik gi klinik . okay..

thanks, love u FerozFroggie

~ Renung2 kn , Selamat Beramah~