Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Flight delay?????

Hye sume.. sepatutnyer my family trip to Beijing, China is next week . but, we baru jer dapat call then told us that our flight will be delayed . huhu . so we all akan ke beijing on 2 february 10 . hum, nak wat cmner kan . they said that our flight are cancelled due to bad wheather . so tunggu je lah sampai 2 february 10 . not mistaken on tuesday at 8.00 a.m . x sabar jugak nak pegi . and yang paling penting this is my First winter holiday . so, hope that tak delayed lagih laa flight yeh . hehe . :D

currently ngah syok main cafe world . haha .

p/s: pegilah bercuti2, kerana ia sangat menyeronokan

thanks, love u FerozFroggie

~Renung2 kn , Selamat Beramah~


  1. vacation is fun but if you have alot of money then only you can go for a trip . tak mampu ahh @@

  2. aloooorrrhhh..nnti akuh dh kaye aku bawak ko gi jalan ok...promise :D ...

    tu jnji biler akuh dah keje...
