Monday, January 11, 2010

rinduku terhenti!!!

Atlast , dapat jugak berjumpa kawan2 ku, sahabat2 ku, rakan2 ku .. ku amat merinduimu .. haha .. and mlm ni kitorang will having dinner together gether . sangat menanti saat itu . so i really enjoy here . anaother things is . just beraper minutes yg lpas . akuh sudah menyiapkan ampai baju untuk mereka . hahaha . funny giler . hope kukuh . so lpas nih . boleyh korang gntung bj kat ctu .

haha .

P/s: aku update nih setelah berapa lame x update sbb takde mase then one of my good friends told me that . it just like " eyh update argh blog . bosan ouh . aku nak bace blog ko laaa... " so up to her request im updating my blog . hehe ;D

thanks, love u ferozfroggie

~ Renung2 kn , Selamat Beramah~