Wednesday, January 13, 2010

sejuk kot, berdebar2 kot ...

Hum, ini sume bout one of my beloved friend d mane . dia nih selalu lah takot2 . dah puas ckp jgn takot weyh . takder paper laaaa . hal kecik pon nnti akan takot . citer dia cam neh .
org sume nak tgok citer paranormal activity . then dia dah tgok org keep asking . just like " eh! best tak ...?? citer2 . yg dia punyer baik hati pon citer lah . hbis2 . dia plak yg takot . so that nite i called her n talk nicely that takder aper nyer nak d takot . Only ALLAH .
and another things is pliss jangan dekati org yg korang tak kenal ok . cthnyer . bg mu wahai bolala . jangan dekati org yg u never never never knal ok . its really dangerous . hum, aper2 pon make sure that berteman . coz nowadays world getting more and more dangerous . and u should tighly keep urself in a good condition n take care always . remember that . ok

p/s: jangan dekati org yg korang tak kenal especially for ladies ok . hiasi peribadi

thanks, love u ferozfroggie

~ Renung2 kn , Selamat Beramah~


  1. isk isk selalu kenekan aku . kejam ah . dush dush . masalahnye cerite tuh memang seram kot . aku pulak memang berani sebenarnye kan .

    and oh brader kuantan tuh memang scary doh . even bukan aku yg kene pegi keluar jumpe dia but jantung aku berdegup laju macam baru lepas buat marathon zaman skola dulu . serious .
